Friday, December 21, 2018

Injured in an Accident? 5 Reasons Why You Don't Need To Hire An Attorney

You've just been injured in an accident. Get ready for the onslaught of mail from lawyers at home. Be prepared for those ugly billboards showing pictures of crashed cars and wreckage with victims crawling away. Beware the yellow pages ads that proclaim quick and fast settlements for your injuries.

Do you need an attorney? No, and here's why:

5 Reasons Why You Don't Need An Attorney After You've Been Injured In An Accident

1. You know it all.

By knowing it all you have more knowledge and experience than a New York personal injury trial lawyer. That's good. You know what the law is and whether your injuries are serious enough to prevent you from getting thrown out of court. Knowing it all means you know how to negotiate with the insurance company. You are aware of the common tricks they use to get unsuspecting victims to settle cases, like sending a low-ball settlement check to the client with the appropriate closing papers, telling them all they have to do is sign here and the check is theirs. You must know how to find out what the insurance policy limits are, and whether there is any excess insurance available to pay for your injuries. Having all the information means you know how to say "No" to an insurance company offer and start a lawsuit on your own behalf. It also means knowing how much time you have to file a claim with the insurance company, and how much time you have before you need to start your lawsuit.

2. You know how disabling and permanent your injuries are.

Doesn't it feel good to know that you can convey how serious and permanent your injuries are? You can clearly and concisely express your frustrations and feelings to the insurance company. Just don't expect them to shed any tears for you.

3. You know the true value of your injuries in the county you live in and don't need a lawyer to tell you otherwise.

Knowing it all means that you know your injuries are worth more than the "McDonald's Lady" who won a large award. It means knowing that your injuries are worth more than the insurance company has ever seen before. It means knowing that in your town and in your county, the same type of injuries for the same age individual is similar or different than your own. Knowing it all means that you know where to search for information that you can use to show the insurance company that your injuries are worth more than a similar victim. It means that you know what medical records and documents the insurance company needs to confirm your injuries and permanent disability.

4. Why should you have to give part of your compensation to some lawyer you don't even know?

Why do you need to give up 1/3 of your award, when you can do it all yourself? You know that handling an accident claim and then a lawsuit is no different than reading a do-it-yourself book, similar to building a deck in your backyard. If your neighbor the lawyer can do it, so can you! Why pay someone to do it for you? Do you think they could possibly obtain more money for your injuries than you can? If you don't think so, then by all means, don't hire an attorney. But if you have that nagging suspicion that they just might be able to achieve a better result, then you owe it to yourself and your family to call a personal injury lawyer right away.

5. You have more experience than a New York personal injury trial lawyer and know that you can overcome any defense the insurance company throws at you.

You know that with every claim and every lawsuit, the insurance company and their lawyers will fight you tooth and nail on everything from liability, to causation, to the extent of your injuries. You must know all of those defenses and how to overcome them. You must surely know of how to contact witnesses and obtain their statements, and how to use them to your benefit. Of course, you also know how to try your case and achieve success- all the while trying to support your family and recover from your injuries.


So, do you need an attorney after you've been in an accident? I leave that question for you to ponder. If you know it all, then you don't need an attorney. However, if you think you might benefit from legal counsel and their experience, then don't wait. Call an experienced injury lawyer immediately to make sure you know and understand your legal options. Good luck in your quest for justice!

Gerry Oginski is an experienced New York medical malpractice and personal injury trial attorney and practices exclusively in the State of New York. He has tirelessly represented injured victims in all types of medical malpractice and injury cases in the last 19 years. As a solo practitioner he is able to devote 100% of his time to each individual client. A client is never a file number in his office.

Take a look at Gerry's website and read his free special reports on malpractice and accident law. Read actual testimony of real doctors in medical malpractice cases. Learn answers to your legal questions. We have over 200 FAQs to the most interesting legal questions. Read about his success stories. Read the latest injury and malpractice news. I guarantee there's something for you. 516-487-8207

Also, take a look at Gerry's FREE NY Medical Malpractice video tutorials at

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Choosing Treatment For Anxiety Panic Attack Symptoms

Wow, What A Frightened and Hopeless Feeling!

These feelings go hand in hand with your first anxiety panic attack. When it first struck you began sweating, had difficulty breathing, felt dizzy, your body was shaking, and you felt detached from reality. Not only that, but your heart was pounding so much and hard that you didn't know where you were dying or going insane.

Each time you have an anxiety panic attack, it happens all over again.

Just know that those are all common anxiety panic attack symptoms and you are far from hopeless - or unique for that matter. I am giving you that news not to insult you... I'm doing it because it should be of great comfort to you that you are not alone. Many people relate to your plight. Also the facts are available that there are a number of anxiety attack panic treatments from which you can choose.

What Can You Do?

Many panic attack victims and doctors are quick to recommend medication for their convenience and effectiveness among others. There is no shortage of those who feel comfortable and pleased with the results. The reduction of frequency of panic attacks allows the victims to avoid facing anxiety panic attack symptoms so often. There are two major potential problems: >b>First there can be side effects that may be caused by the more potent drugs and Secondly the body develops an immunity to the medication making it less and less effective.

Medication is still a popular choice despite its shortcomings because of it's fast results. The more conservative doses get their results in a few weeks, but some take effect almost immediately which give an easy out if you're have a really stressful day.

Is There A Better, More Permanent Way?

Outside the field of medicine there are also anxiety attack panic treatments, many which provide techniques on what to do when panic attacks, and all of them are proven methods for coping with anxiety panic attack symptoms. They may not be quite as fast to whittle down the frequency of panic attaches, but their advantage being natural methods offer you long term effects.

So many of the attacks are caused by your fear of having another one and if you learn what to do when panic attacks you'll be able to handle these situations with confidence. With repeated success your fear of those attacks will diminish and they will effectively and permanently reduce the number of attacks.

Many people prefer medication as their anxiety attack panic treatment primarily for convenience they offer. Quite a few choose natural methods for their potential for lasting recovery.

You are sure to benefit from several of those anxiety attack panic treatments regardless of how bad your anxiety panic attack symptoms are or how often they come.

If you value convenience, ease, and quick relief, then medication is for you.

However, if you want a long-term goal of getting rid of panic attacks entirely, then you'll benefit from the natural method.

It's even possible to mix up the two systems if you like and when you find a way to rid you of panic attacks quickly and permanently, then that's the choice to take.

Donald Aronson is a retired professional with several sites.
For more information on anxiety attacks read his blog at:

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Living With Amputated

My Dad lost both his legs in the second world war. He was fighting in Italy, near Messina, when him and two friends stood on an anti-personnel mine. My Dad had one leg off at the knee, and the other one above the knee, about mid-thigh. He had shrapnel embedded in his hands and arms for his whole life.

A couple of days later, in hospital, my Dad realised that he had a decision to make: he either had to decide to make the best of what life had given him, or he could decide to feel sorry for himself and the unfairness of life and become a miserable person. He decided to make the best of his life.

He married, had four kids, drove a car, built me a treehouse 3 metres up a tree, swam in the sea, held down a regular job at a timber importer, took the family camping, became chairman of the St Giles association for the handicapped, was an elder in the church, ran their finances, donated over 50 pints of blood, and serviced his own car.

He could walk on his artificial legs, without a stick, carrying two cups of tea for him and my Mom, until he got quite a bit older and his balance wasn't so good.

I wouldn't have swapped him for any other able bodied dad. He was the best there was.

So if you are in the same situation, I just want to tell you - the sky's the limit. You have the potential to be a force for good in the world -- and like my Dad, you can use your disability to get into places and affect people in a way that no able bodied person could ever do. My Dad had a hood that he was allowed to put over parking meters - he could park anywhere for free! More than once we were allowed to park in the mayors parking spot! Cool hey!

When you have this sort of disability, you can pull people's legs and joke with them in the most reckless way, and get away with it! Very few people will hit someone with no legs - it makes them look like the worst type of bully. I've seen my Dad dealing with aggressive drunks, and they never touched him, even though they had been smashing holes in doors just minutes before.

My Dad's attitude was to always look for the good in other people. There's always some good in there somewhere. I think that that made a big difference in people's attitude towards him.

So be encouraged. There's an amazing amount of things that you can do without legs. My Dad had a pair of flippers made by the guys at the "Limb Factory" (the prosthesis unit at the local hospital) and he used them to go body surfing. That was when he was in his fifties dude! The flippers were in the back of the car when I went for my drivers test, and the traffic officer was so interested in these things that he passed me, even though my driving kinda sucked!

Humor helps tremendously in these circumstances. My Dad liked the joke about the guy with 3 eyes, no arms and one leg standing at the bus stop. The bus driver pulls up, and says to him "Aye aye aye, you look 'armless; hop on!" If you can laugh at yourself and see the funny side of even the worst circumstances, they are easier to bear. It helps people around you to relax too, which in turn helps you to feel more "normal."

Phantom feet worried my Dad quite often. This is the feeling that you've got feet, and they are itching, or sore, or aching. He took that as it came, and it passed after a couple of minutes.

Nowadays there are so many new materials available that prevent chafing and blisters on the stumps. Prosthetic limbs have come a long way as well with bendable carbon fiber materials, which my Dad never had. But an indomitable spirit can overcome many obstacles.
Decide to make the best of life.
Life can still be a whole lot of fun!
Duncan Kelly

For more info from this author, be sure to visit Free information on things that can help and encourage, and a lot of other info!

Please Come and Visit the Wrinklyo Web Node at
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Amputee man looking to live

Are you an amputee man looking to live life king-size? Are you willingly to trade your depression for happiness? Are you willing to trade your sadness for joy and confidence? Read on. You may just get that boost you need to kick-start your life all over again.

Life is quite alright if you just know how to take it in the right spirit and with the right attitude. You need friends and you need special friends too. Start by looking in a place where you are likely to find friends and take it from there. There are other amputee men just like you looking for love, friendship and happiness.

Today there are a lot of options to get artificial limbs and that will give you the required mobility and confidence to get a move on in life. If your disability keeps you from moving too much then take another look at the world of computers and its benefits. There is a virtual world out there waiting for you to join the bandwagon.

The internet is an ideal place for people who are looking for friends and activities to do with them. There are a lot of sites that cater to disabled people interested in dating. Ask around among your friends if they have any experience in this regard and then see if you can give it a go yourself.

There are sites for specific disabilities and that includes amputee men. It is given that similar afflicted people understand the problems connected with the disability and the effort that goes in to trying to live life with the disability in question. So start by catching a wave to surf the net.

See what the sites have to offer and make an informed and educated decision. Beware of sites asking for money up front, as most of the sites are free to register on. Fill in your profile description and let the others know what a great guy you are. You can look for hobby groups and communities where they have various activities online.

There are discussion forums for practically every topic under the sun including the sun itself. You have the freedom to create your own discussion forum on the subject of your interest.

So if you really think about it, this is a very positive step that you would be taking in your life. It will help you put your life into perspective and give you insight in to how best you can augment your talents.

Try going online and believe me, you will be happy for it. It is a decision well taken and if you have friends then involve them too. It will be well worth your time and effort. Amputee men also live life king size... live life your way and in your style - its all a few clicks away!

Are you looking for one of the best amputee dating sites on the internet? If so, visit now. We have a huge database of friendly people who want to meet you. Amputee dating and amputee personals dating have never been this easy! Amputee Dating Club not only has many members, but it also has many ways to meet them through chatrooms, instant messaging and of course email. Membership is free, so sign up right now.

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Stroke, Don't Ingore

high blood pressureBeing struck down by a stroke is something that happens to thousands of people every year. As you age, your body becomes more vulnerable to a variety of diseases and syndromes and stroke is one of them. A stroke is caused by a blood vessel in the brain rupturing and flooding an area of your brain with blood and causing brain damage in the area of the brain it occurs in.

Having a stroke can leave you unable to speak, or damage your hearing, or any one or combination of a number of things. Strokes can be and often are fatal. There are many factors that can increase your risk of having a stroke and these factors generally increase as we get older. You can do a lot to reduce your risk of having a stroke and by doing things to reduce the risk of stroke, you will also be decreasing your risk of so many other health problems.

Everyone remains at risk of stroke to one degree or another, though, and this is just a fact of life that is unavoidable. So doing what you can to bring down your risk factor just makes good common sense. Knowing the warning signs of a stroke is something that will help you survive a stoke, if you or a loved one should ever have one. Early response and early treatment in the event of a stroke are the keys to minimizing the damage and increasing your chances of survival.

If you notice a sudden numbness and or a weakness of the face, arm, or leg and particularly if this occurs on only one side of the body, then this could be the warning sign of a stroke. Quite often this will also include a slurring of or difficulty in speech. Often the person who has the numbness in the face and the speech slurring, wont even notice it and it has to be pointed out by someone who looks at and talks to them.

A person with this problem will many times have half their mouth and cheek on one side of their face unusable and drooping. An elderly relative can sometimes become difficult and confused when signs such as these manifest themselves so it is important that help be sought immediately if any of these signs are noticed. This is because sudden confusion is also many times a one of a strokes symptoms, along with suddenly having trouble understanding what is being spoken to them.

Sudden trouble seeing in both eyes is another warning sign of a stroke. If you or a loved one suddenly has trouble walking and has balance and coordination problems, this is also a warning sign of stroke. A severe headache with no known cause is also a warning sign of stroke. The term "severe," cannot be overemphasized. Often the headache that signals an oncoming stroke is incapacitating and so painful that often people will go to a hospital for the headache alone.

These are all some of the more common warning signs of a stroke but there are others as well. If you find an elderly relative in bed and completely unresponsive this also can be due to a severe stroke. Anything out of the ordinary that is happening to your senses is cause for concern. Hearing a pop and hearing water running, or smelling smoke, or a ringing in your ears, or suddenly tasting any flavor in your mouth should all be cause for concern. There are mild and severe strokes so remain watchful of yourself and your loved ones for the early warning signs of a stroke.

Article by Sven Ullmann, who runs Deserved Health - information on health for you and your family. Read more about stroke symptoms.


Symptoms of Aneurysm,Treatment of Aneurysm

An aneurysm is a bulge in the wall of an artery. Aneurysms may result from congenital defects, preexisting conditions such as high blood pressure and atherosclerosis (the buildup of fatty deposits in the arteries), or head trauma. Aneurysms most commonly occur in arteries at the base of the brain and in the aorta. Aneurysms may involve arteries or veins and have various causes. They are commonly further classified by shape, structure and location. Cerebral aneurysms occur more commonly in adults than in children but they may occur at any age. They are slightly more common in women than in men. Cerebral aneurysms are also more common in people with certain genetic diseases, such as connective tissue disorders and polycystic kidney disease, and certain circulatory disorders, such as arteriovenous malformations. Some investigators have speculated that oral contraceptives may increase the risk of developing aneurysms. Aneurysms are dangerous because they may burst. Pain in the area of an aneurysm is a common symptom. The larger an aneurysm becomes, the more likely it is to burst.

Aneurysms that result from an infection in the arterial wall are called mycotic aneurysms. Cancer-related aneurysms are often associated with primary or metastatic tumors of the head and neck. It is known that men over the age of 60, and younger men with a brother or father who has had an aneurysm, are at risk. It is unclear why a person develops a brain aneurysm. It appears that aneurysms are related to an absence of a muscular layer that makes up part of the blood vessels that over time stretches and thins. An aneurysm may be small and not cause symptoms. An ultrasound examination of the abdomen is a very good way of finding an aneurysm. This is a painless procedure involving a lubricated probe pressing gently on the abdominal skin (over the aneurysm). Many cases of ruptured aneurysm can be prevented with early diagnosis and medical treatment. Because aneurysms can develop and become large before causing any symptoms, it is important to look for them in people who are at the highest risk.

Causes of Aneurysm

It is not clear exactly what causes aneurysms. Defects in some of the parts of the artery wall may be responsible. An aneurysm can result from atherosclerosis. Cerebral aneurysms occur more commonly in adults than in children but they may occur at any age. They are slightly more common in women than in men. Cerebral aneurysms are also more common in people with certain genetic diseases, such as connective tissue disorders and polycystic kidney disease, and certain circulatory disorders, such as arteriovenous malformations. Other causes include trauma or injury to the head, high blood pressure, infection, tumors. Some investigators have speculated that oral contraceptives may increase the risk of developing aneurysms.

Symptoms of Aneurysm

There are many symptoms of a brain aneurysm and each person with an aneurysm may not experience the same symptoms. Small, unchanging aneurysms generally will not produce symptoms, whereas a larger aneurysm that is steadily growing may press on tissues and nerves. Before a larger aneurysm ruptures, the individual may experience such symptoms as a sudden and unusually severe headache, nausea, vision impairment, vomiting, and loss of consciousness, or the individual may be asymptomatic, experiencing no symptoms at all. Rupture of a cerebral aneurysm is dangerous and usually results in bleeding into the meninges or the brain itself, leading to a subarachnoid hemorrhage or intracranial hematoma, either of which constitutes a stroke.

Treatment of Aneurysm

Treatment depends on the size and location of the aneurysm and your overall health. Aneurysms in the upper chest (the ascending aorta) are usually operated on right away. Anticonvulsant medications can prevent seizures, analgesics may relieve headache symptoms, and calcium channel blockers can help widen narrowed blood vessels. Surgery is also usually required for aneurysms as introducing foreign material in the low flow veins can produce a high risk blood clotting environment. Patients who have suffered a subarachnoid hemorrhage often need rehabilitative, speech, and occupational therapy to regain lost function and learn to cope with any permanent disability.

Juliet Cohen writes for health disorders. She also writes articles for online health tips and skin disorders

Amputee Dating - Of Course Its Possible!

Are you an amputee? Are you looking for a date? Well, look no further. Read on and find out all there is to know about amputee dating.

As an amputee you have every reason to believe that life dealt you a tough blow. Did you know that it also left you stronger? Life as an amputee can be as much fun as normal people. All you have to do is find that positive attitude, hold on to it and let nature take its course. Grab the opportunity today and you will be a very happy person tomorrow.

Dating for the disabled is big on the internet these days. There are lots of sites that have been set up by disabled people themselves. There an old and popular adage that goes - it takes one to know one, and that is exactly what the disabled dating sites advocate.

There are amputees who work towards setting up their site to help fellow amputees find love, life and friendship in the world. Amputee dating is open to all those who are willing to take the chance and step into a new world.

You know all you have to do is log on to the net and use a search engine to find dating sites for amputees. You will get hundreds of sites that cater to your type of disability. Surprised? Well, you are special too so start your research today and find the site that has all that you are looking for in your life and get a move on.

There are plenty of people on the internet who are like you. They too are looking for that special person in their life and they hope that they will find one soon. If you put up your profile on the amputee dating sites that are available then you increase your chances of finding your Mr. Right or Ms. Right very soon.

The sites are very user friendly. They will guide you to upload your photos and write your profile as the person you are. Now you can go to the various chat rooms and join everybody chatting. Its fun and its easy and before you know it you will have made lots of friends.

So get going today and open that world which is already waiting for you. Ask your other amputee friends who have experienced dating and find out what you can expect from the sites on the net. Get feedback, get information, make an informed and educated decision today.

Being an amputee does NOT mean you cannot date. There are thousands of people who are already into this dating circuit - be a part of this and live life to the hilt. Begin today!

Are you looking for one of the best amputee dating sites on the internet? If so, visit now. We have a huge database of friendly people who want to meet you. Amputee dating and amputee personals dating have never been this easy! Amputee Dating Club not only has many members, but it also has many ways to meet them through chatrooms, instant messaging and of course email. Membership is free, so sign up right now.

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Introduction To Physical Therapy - Rehabilitation Of Amputees And The Advantages Of Physiotherapy

Amputation is a major blow to anyone, both physically and psychologically. To help a person deal with the loss of a limb a team of trained professionals is engaged - a doctor, a prosthetist, a psychologist, and nurses. To rehabilitate an amputee, a physiotherapist is also required.

When a person is adjusting to life without a limb, a physiotherapist is almost indispensable in the patient's healing process. An amputee has to deal with several physical and physiological issues the. Among these are phantom pains, which are painful sensations that seem to emanate from the limb that has already been removed, as if it still exists. These are nervous responses and require physiotherapy to overcome and treat it.

A prosthetic limb is a must-have for most amputees. Though it is a common notion that learning how to wear it is enough, most don't realize how difficult it can be to adjust to an alien appendage. There are many amputees who have been wearing prosthetic limbs for years, but can still not function normally. Such situations only underline the need for amputee rehabilitation.

The use of a prosthetic limb can be made easier with physiotherapy. Therapy allows a person to get used to the new limb. The routine followed by the patient for this adaptation depends on individual needs and abilities.

Often amputees lose their sense of balance and have to be taught how to walk or stand without support. This is seen more often in the case of a leg or foot amputation. That, however, does not mean that a person who loses an arm will not have a problem with his balance. The redistribution of weight due to the loss of an arm can also result in balancing problems for the amputee.

Many amputees do not realize that it is possible to completely mask a limp, even with the use of a prosthetic limb, if the person learns to walk in the best suitable manner. Physiotherapist are able to train amputees during the rehabilitation program and once this limp is camouflaged, the battle is half won.

It is best to begin physiotherapy immediately after the surgery, to avoid the weakening or unequal strengthening of muscles. An amputee subconsciously uses only one set of muscles as far as possible to avoid strain on the weakened set, thus weakening them further. The sooner the physiotherapy starts, the easier it will be to address such issues.

Physiotherapy for amputees is never a generalized program. It depends on individual needs and will always be a program tailor-made to suit the patient. Exercise routines are customized according to the kind of rehabilitation required in the case of each amputee.

Massages, otherwise called manual therapies, are also included in the physiotherapy program. Exercise stresses the muscles and manual therapy helps to ease out the tension and pain from the muscles that are being taxed to adjust to their difficult situation. Other manual therapies include acupuncture, heat compresses, ultrasound massages and electrical stimulation.

In amputee rehabilitation programs, physiotherapy is an indispensable treatment. A person having lost a limb needs such therapy and help without any question. Yet there are amputees who think it is not necessary, or are too shocked to consider recovery a possibility. It is imperative that such patients be convinced to start physiotherapy to get back to their normal daily lives without feeling at a loss.

Learn more about women health and detailed insights into occupational injury when you visit premier physical therapy information at

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